5 Ways To Make A Difference This Summer - MEDLIFE

5 Ways To Make A Difference This Summer

Over the summer holiday, students may find themselves working, taking extra courses, or returning home to spend time with family and friends. However, it has been proven that giving back to the community/world can greatly improve feelings of self-worth and accomplishment. If you are looking for ways to give back this summer there are plenty of options for you. Here are five ways you can make a difference this summer:

1. Volunteer

Look for local organizations or non-profits that align with your interests and inquire about volunteer opportunities. You can donate your time and effort to help others and make a meaningful impact on your local community or a community in another country. MEDLIFE offers Service Learning Trips for those who are looking to assist low-income communities in Latin America. Volunteers get to provide quality healthcare to those in need and work on a development project to improve local infrastructure.

2. Go Eco-Friendly

Summer is a great time to get outside and enjoy nature, but it’s also a great opportunity to take steps to protect the environment. You can reduce your carbon footprint by carpooling, using a bike or public transportation instead of driving, and using reusable bags and water bottles. You can also look into organizations that plant trees to improve the environment, which can help to build a more sustainable future.

3. Learn A New Skill

Summer break can also be an opportunity to learn something new, like a language or a new instrument. Not only will you broaden your knowledge and skills, but you’ll also enhance your cognitive abilities and improve your memory. To share your talents, try to find ways you can perform for others or teach your skills. Perhaps a local boys and girls club could use a bilingual volunteer. Or a retirement home would like someone to come and perform music for them.

4. Connect With Family And Friends

Summer break is a great time to strengthen your relationships with loved ones. Plan a trip or a fun activity together, or simply spend quality time catching up over dinner or a game night. Time with your loved ones is invaluable. It is important to make the time to cherish their company.

5. Give Back To Those In Need

Look for opportunities to donate to a charity or organization supporting a cause you’re passionate about. You can also organize a fundraiser or donation drive to gather resources and support for those in need. Something as simple as donating old clothes to a homeless shelter could greatly impact someone’s life for the better.

Take some time to research what is available to you and what you are interested in. If volunteering abroad sounds like something you would like to do, visit our website today to learn more about how you can join a Service Learning Trip in Peru, Ecuador, or Costa Rica. We could use a changemaker like you on our team!


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