COVID-19 Relief For Low-Income Communities - MEDLIFE

COVID-19 Relief For Low-Income Communities

In both Peru & Ecuador, we are on strict lockdown and only leaving home for essentials. While these measures are important in slowing COVID-19, they present major challenges for our partner communities that need assistance. COVID-19 relief is a must. Detailed information can be found here, but here’s a snapshot of the effects so far:

  • Lack of access to medical services: Many of our follow-up patients live in isolated areas and are unable to travel to seek healthcare during the lockdown. Unfortunately, our team is not permitted to visit patients or run Mobile Clinics at this time.
  • Water shortages: Some of our partner communities that regularly struggle with access to water are now facing double or triple the price per tank (if the water truck even comes to their community at all).
  • Financial difficulties: Families who live week to week on wages from informal day jobs have lost their income as they cannot work during the lockdown. This leaves them unable to purchase food and feed their families.

Here’s how you can support our COVID-19 relief efforts:

COVID-19 Relief - Fundraise


Times are tough across all corners of the globe. But if you are able, we encourage you to consider donating to help us keep vulnerable families affected by COVID-19 healthy and safe during the lockdown and its aftermath. Your donation will provide basic necessities for low-income communities.


COVID-19 Relief

Spread the word

If you’re unable to donate, you can still support our COVID-19 relief efforts by learning about the hardships our partner communities are facing and spreading the word on social media. You can also start your own virtual fundraiser on Give Lively to help keep families safe and healthy.



Despite all these challenges the world is facing, we’re feeling uplifted by the incredible amounts of generosity global citizens are showing for their neighbors. We know that the bright light of compassion will always shine through the chaos!


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