Obtaining Land Title for Union Santa Fe - MEDLIFE

Obtaining Land Title for Union Santa Fe

Time is running out to raise $30,000 in support of Union Santa Fe as they build a retention wall in effort to get Land Title – which would provide the community with government resources to help build roads, schools, sanitation systems, and more. With a limited time frame, MEDLIFE is working day in and day out to reach our goal – but we can’t do it without you.

With your support, the MEDLIFE Movement can continue the fight to free Union Santa Fe from the constraints of poverty. All donations and funds raised to help Union Santa Fe get Land Title can be made to the MEDLIFE Project Fund. Please add a note to your donation that the money is for the Union Santa Fe Land Title.


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The Issue

MEDLIFE has worked side by side with the community of Union Santa Fe for years. Building staircases, working with the municipality to provide electricity, supporting childhood education in the area, providing free quality healthcare at Mobile Clinics, and more – all in support of the ultimate goal to obtain Land Title. And right now the community is closer than ever to gaining their Land Titles, as the government has given them the opportunity if they complete certain community development projects in the next 2 months.

While in many parts of the world securing land rights is not a major issue, it is a luxury for much of the world’s poor population. In rural areas like the southern communities of Lima, land is an essential means to sustain the community’s livelihood. Access to land is important for household welfare, economic growth, and reduction of poverty.

To eventually leave the constraints of poverty, communities like Union Santa Fe need access to basic resources mentioned previously (sanitation systems, water, roads, etc), which are accessible through the government when they obtain Land Title. But, there is a major contradiction. In order to obtain Land Title, they must already have those basic resources. In other words, Union Santa Fe lacks the basic resources to build things like roads, schools, sanitation systems, and retention walls, that are needed to obtain Land Title. But in order to tap into government resources that would provide them these things, they already need to have those Land Titles.


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The Solution: $30,000

One of the largest obstacles facing the community is building a $30,000 retention wall in the next 2 months. This retention wall, and the granting of Land Title, would also be big steps in the approval of construction of our MED Center. Unfortunately, if the retention wall isn’t complete, the offer will be rescinded and the community will be forced to start their Land Title process from scratch, and we will be stepping backward with work on the MED Center as well.

What does starting from scratch really mean? We are not 100% sure but we do know we must push ahead NOW. The Peruvian government can be challenging to gain commitment from for ‘what happens if’ scenarios, however the Union Santa Fe community and MEDLIFE have worked diligently over the years to foster positive interactions and collaboration. Again, our focus is we need to work as hard as possible as the MEDLIFE Movement, to fundraise $30,000 in the next few months to make sure we are doing everything in our power to support Union Santa Fe.


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How You Can Help

While this task may seem daunting, if everyone works together it is certainly attainable. But we need you. We’re calling on each Chapter to fundraise at least $200 or organize a group of 50 students on a Lima Service Learning Trip this Spring in support of our efforts.

Additionally, we encourage you to support our efforts by sharing on social media and asking friends and family to donate. Every contribution helps. Join the MEDLIFE Movement to create a world free from the constraints of poverty – starting with the community of Union Santa Fe!

To donate in support of Union Santa Fe, visit our website donation page.


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