A New Home For Julio - MEDLIFE

A New Home For Julio

One person’s efforts and generosity resulted in a new home and better quality of life for follow-up patient Julio Mendez Tica. Lisa Pace, a student from the United States, heard Julio’s story and how his accident has caused his family immense pain and suffering. Moved by their situation, she set her goal to raise enough money to afford Julio and his family a new home. After 10 days of hard work, the new home is finally complete and ready for Julio’s family to start their new life. See some photos from the project’s progression below.


Images of Julio’s house before the project show the mold ridden walls, a mangled dirt floor and a deteriorating roof with many holes. The home was in terrible condition, especially for a large family with many small children like Julio’s.


Construction began with tearing the old house’s walls down, laying a concrete foundation and rebuilding the house with sturdy materials. 


Julio’s entire family was part of the process, helping with the construction and working alongside MEDLIFE staff.


After the house was rebuilt, the last step was to fill it with new, clean furniture for Julio’s refurbished room. MEDLIFE interns carried dressers up a long flight of stairs up the hill the house sits on.


The new house is complete and decorated for the official inauguration! The bright yellow color represents “alegria”—happiness, and illuminates its surrounding area.



Julio’s family gathered together to celebrate the beginning of their new life in a safe and clean environment. After so much hardship and sadness caused by Julio’s accident, his family sees a happier future ahead, beginning with a positive home environment. 

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Julio, his family and MEDLIFE are extremely grateful for Lisa Pace’s generosity and devotion to this project. Without her, none of this would have been possible. It is truly amazing the impact one person can make on others’ lives.


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