MEDLIFE Hygiene Projects - MEDLIFE

MEDLIFE Hygiene Projects

At MEDLIFE Ecuador, constructing bathrooms is a vital component of our healthcare initiatives. Our hygiene projects primarily target rural, predominantly indigenous communities situated on the outskirts of urban areas. These regions often face geographical isolation, lacking access to reliable potable water and adequate sanitation facilities.

Transitioning to 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO) identified diarrhoeal diseases as the second leading cause of death in low-income countries. According to estimates from WHO and UNICEF, functional, clean bathrooms can decrease diarrhoeal cases by over 33%. Even the simple act of handwashing with soap can reduce such cases by more than 40%. Shockingly, approximately 2.5 billion individuals, equating to 35% of the global population, lack access to functional bathroom facilities. Consequently, rural areas without proper facilities experience delays in development and enhancement efforts.

By prioritizing the construction of bathrooms in underserved communities, we aim to mitigate health risks and enhance overall well-being through our hygiene projects.




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