A Second Floor for the Union De Santa Fe Wawawasi - MEDLIFE

A Second Floor for the Union De Santa Fe Wawawasi

IMG 8381

     MEDLIFE is proud to announce that the plans to construct a second floor to the Union De Santa Fe Wawa Wasi were finalized in April 2017 as community members and MEDLIFE CEO Nick Ellis signed agreements. 

     The first floor to the Wawa wasi was completed in 2015 , and serves as a space for the governments “Cuna Más” program. The government will provide trained childcare personel and nutritional meals for kids if the community provides the space and other materials. MEDLIFE provided those things and the Cuna Más program runs the daycare.



However, Cuna Más is only available to kids age 6 months to 3 years old, and children cannot enter primary school until age 6. So kids who are between ages 3 and 6 cannot enjoy the facilities above. For this reason, MEDLIFE is providing the materials for a second floor to the wawawasi that can be used for a similar program “Pronoei”, a preschool for children ages 3-6. The community will organize the construction.

The addition of a local “Pronoei” seeks to close the 3 year gap between when children age out of “Cuna Más” program and start primary school. This frees up time for parents that can be used to work a job during the day. With the second floor, kids with working parents will have a safe, constructive environment with nutritous food all the way up until primary school.     

IMG 8384A child who will be served by the new floor outside the night meeting that finalized the agreement.

 IMG 8392Carlos Benavides explains the agreement to the community.

 IMG 8401Nick Ellis signs the agreement.

 IMG 8410Community members sign on, commiting to help us work on the project. At MEDLIFE community investment is a priority.







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