Packing Essentials For Volunteering Abroad in Costa Rica - MEDLIFE

Packing Essentials For Volunteering Abroad in Costa Rica

If you are planning to volunteer abroad on a Service Learning Trip in Costa Rica, it’s essential to pack wisely to ensure you have everything you need for your trip. Here’s a list of essential items you should consider including in your packing:

1. Passport and travel documents:

Ensure you have a valid passport with at least six months of validity remaining. Carry copies of your passport, visa, and other important documents in a separate location.


2. Clothing:

Lightweight clothing is best since the humidity makes a very hot environment. We recommend bringing extra shirts or planning to have your laundry done since you will sweat through your clothes. If you plan on going to the beach, a bathing suit, lightweight towel, flip flops, and a tote bag to carry your things will all come in handy.

3. Bug repellent:

Costa Rica has lots of mosquitos so we recommend bringing bug spray, afterbite, and maybe even a bug net to go over your bed while you are sleeping.

4. Rain attire:

Be prepared to get rained on. A rain jacket and umbrella are recommended to protect you from getting wet. We suggest considering a waterproof case for your phone. It also may come in handy to have extra plastic bags on you to put wet clothing into to separate from the rest of your clothing.

5. Comfortable shoes:

You will be doing a lot of walking and standing, so it is vital to bring comfortable walking shoes and/or hiking/rain boots. You will want your feet to be comfortable and clean.


6. Cash:

It’s a good idea before you come to take out some cash in colones to have for travel expenses or in case of emergency. You may want to buy some food, a souvenir, or need to take a taxi if you are stuck or lost somewhere. $200 in colones is our recommended amount.

If you are interested in joining an upcoming MEDLIFE Service Learning Trip in Costa Rica, visit our website to learn more.
