MEDLIFE Doctor Spotlight: Genry Aguilar - MEDLIFE

MEDLIFE Doctor Spotlight: Genry Aguilar

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     Dr. Genry Aguilar has been working as a doctor on mobile clinics with MEDLIFE for two years now. He practices medicine where he grew up, in the Andean city of Cusco, Peru.

     Dr. Aguilar brings an infectious energy when he works mobile clinics. When talking with a patient, all parties are engaged, including volunteers. The conversations are in Spanish, apart from small asides in English to volunteers, yet volunteers are absorbed into Dr. Aguilar’s expressiveness and physicality when talking with patients.

     When listening to a heartbeat, he will get volunteers on the stethoscope as well and have them listen for the murmurs and irregularities. Dr. Aguilar has found a way of caring for patients needs, while also teaching volunteers about the signs he’s looking for.

Dr Aguilar decided to work in Lima this week instead of his usual base of Cusco to see other sides of Peru.

We spoke with Genry Aguilar after a clinic about his experience working with MEDLIFE: 

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I am Genry, I am a doctor. This is my second time working with MEDLIFE. It is my first time working in a different place like Lima, I used to work in Cusco. For me, working in MEDLIFE has been a good experience, I have learned a lot. I have met a lot of people from different countries.  

Why did you start working with MEDLIFE?

First, I have always the intention of helping those in need in any way possible. Medicine is a helping career. It is a career where we are here to resolve pain.

What value do the volunteers have in clinics?

They are very important, without them, these clinics wouldn’t be anything. They are youth with a great desire to help. It is indescribable, working with them, I have encountered a joy to help, to serve. To bear witness to the pain that often patients must endure alone, to make a child, or a person who is suffering smile. Health is the most important thing in life, along with education.

How does MEDLIFE work with the local system?

MEDLIFE works at the level of the ministry of health, the professionals are certified in this system at the same level as any Doctor that works in the Peruvian healthcare system.

What value do Mobile Clinics have for the communities?

This value, it’s not just an immediate value. The youth, who have come before, have left a big mark. When they see volunteers, the expect the best for them, from each one of them. Somone shows up, and the kids surround them. For sure, this is because of the impact of the positive impact of those who have come before. For you, it is a question of improving upon it. Make it better, so that this persists. 

