Meet the Interns: Matt and Will - MEDLIFE

Meet the Interns: Matt and Will

Two more interns joined our communications team this season:

supporters mattName: Matthew Schueller

Hometown: Albany Oregon

School: Seattle Pacific University


How I got involved with MEDLIFE: There was a chapter at my university and one of my close friends was the leader of that chapter. I wasn’t able to go on their trip to Perú, but I worked closely with the chapter and heard a lot of great things about what MEDLIFE was doing in South America. It got me interested, so after college when I was looking at internships in photography and videography, many of my friends recommended that I look more into MEDLIFE.

Tell us a little bit about yourself: Born and raised in the Pacific North West, I went to school in Seattle to study physiology. I also minored in New Media Studio Art. I am passionate about capturing art through photography and videography, and sharing these important messages through the internet. In 2007, I created a YouTube channel to share my work. What started out as a fun hobby, quickly became my career. After graduating, I moved to Nebraska. I then worked as a barista for a while until I could manage as a full-time YouTuber. I hope to continue my work as a creator to one day work in the fields of photography, videography, media and global development.

Why did you decide to become an intern?: Many of my friends were involved in studying global poverty in college. It peaked my interest, and after taking some classes, I felt compelled to do something. After graduating, I was unsure about applying to medical school, so I decided that I would chase this urge to work in global development. I decided to become an intern because I learned about the injustices that millions of people are living with here, and I felt that I could help tell the story through my social media platforms and recruit more help.

What are your goals for this internship?: My goal for this internship is primarily to learn. I want to learn how I can use my skills and abilities to aid in the development of impoverished regions. I hope to capture the right images that accurately portray the situation here. It is also my goal to become better at Spanish and grow in my ability to live internationally.

What was your first impression of Lima?: I was surprised when I first entered Lima. I had this perception that Lima was a very tropical location, and somehow it would be extremely sunny for the most part. I arrived in the South American winter, and it was actually fairly cold and cloudy. Besides the unexpected climate and landscape, I was immediately taken aback by the division of the wealthy from the impoverished here. Some parts of Lima remind me of wealthy parts of the United States, with large glass buildings, business people and many beautiful parks. Other parts of Lima have piles of trash burning on the streets, small muddy homes made of plywood, and no access to clean water. There are large walls that divide some of these impoverished regions from the most wealthy parts of Lima just a mile away. It is insane to think about the division here, and in such close proximity!

2015 william arce

Name: William J. Arce Mantila

Hometown: Isabela, PR

School: Inter-American University of Puerto Rico at Aguadilla


How I got involved with MEDLIFE: Habia escuchado acerca de la organización a través de un amigo que había participado en una Clínica Móvil. Una ves me traslado a la Universidad a la que asisto actualmente, el capitulo de MEDLIFE acababa de abrir, por lo que decidí unirme inmediatamente formando parte del equipo de trabajo. Durante el periodo de diez meses ayude en la creación y planificación de recaudaciones de fondos, actividades de impacto universitario y servicio comunitario.

I heard about the organization through a friend that attended a Mobile Clinic. Once I transferred to the university I currently attend, I found that the chapter had recently opened. Therefore, I joined them immediately as an executive board member. During a period of ten months I contributed to the planning and creation of fundraisers, college activities for members and community service.

Tell us a little bit about yourself: Actualmente curso mi cuarto año de universidad donde estudio un Bachillerato en Administración de Empresas con concentración en Mercadeo. Me gusta trabajar en áreas relacionadas al ámbito agrícola al igual que con servicio comunitario. Por años he formado parte de la Organización Nacional FFA quien ha sido clave de éxito para cada una de las oportunidades que se me han presentado. Por otra parte me gusta la música country, la pizza, viajar, y visitar diferentes lugares.

I am a senior in college pursuing a Bachelor´s of Business Administration with a focus in Marketing. I like working with areas related to the agricultural field and community service. For years I’ve been a member of the National FFA Organization, who has been a key to my success in most of the opportunities I have had. On the other hand I like country music, pizza, traveling and visiting different places.

Why did you decide to become an intern?: Luego de haber aprendido mucho a cerca de la organización y haber aportado en mi capitulo, entendía que debía ampliar un poco mas el conocimiento y llevarlo a un nivel mas alto de practica. Es por ello que como parte de mi formación académica, entendía que participando en este Internado podía expandir mis conocimientos y a la vez aportar con los mismos en un lugar donde la necesidad es la orden del día. Ahí comencé a buscar información a cerca de los programas que ofrecía la organización y encontré el programa y la oportunidad perfecta.

After learning about the organization and supporting my chapter, I thought I needed to amplify my knowledge and take them to a whole new level of practice. That´s why as part of my academic experience, I understood that participating in this internship was going to help me expand my knowledge and at the same time contribute in a place where there is alot of need. I began to search for information regarding the programs the organization offers, and I found the perfect opportunity.

What are your goals for this internship? Durante el periodo de tiempo que estaré en Lima, planifico aprender de cada área de la cual se compone MEDLIFE. Planifico contribuir a la labor de nuestra misión y espero cumplir con todas las tareas que se me sean asignadas y sobre cumplir las expectativas siempre teniendo en mente el propósito de porque estoy aquí.

During the period of time that I will be in Lima, I plan to learn about all areas of MEDLIFE’s work. I also plan to contribute to the labor of our mission and I hope to accomplish every assigned task and go above and beyond that, having always in mind the purpose of why I´m here.

What was your first impression of Lima?: Lima me parece un lugar enorme comparado con sitios anteriores que he visitado, de hecho es enorme. Sus calles son muy frecuentadas y las estructuras hacen que se vea muy bonito. Definitivamente es un lugar donde hay mucho para explorar.

Lima seems an enormous place compared to places I have visited before; actually it is enormous. The streets are very busy and the buildings make it look really nice and pretty. This is definitely a place where there’s a lot to explore.


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