One Billion+ Campaign Tour UPDATE: Oct. 26, 2012 - MEDLIFE

One Billion+ Campaign Tour UPDATE: Oct. 26, 2012


Last week, our two remaining presenters traveled hundreds of miles across the U.S. and Canada to spread word about our mission.  Here are some quick updates and photos from their fifth week on the road: 

Juan week5update

Oct. 26, 2012: 

Visiting McGill was a great experience; they have a truly amazing chapter with exceptionally dedicated students. Their strength is even more evident up close and personal. I had extremely constructive conversations with the Executive Board and brainstormed a bunch of new ideas for some of our new student initiatives. A big thanks to all the members of the McGill Executive Board and Expansion Team for taking the time to meet. I hope to be able to visit again soon!

Catch one of Juan’s talks by checking out his stops on the Southeast region tour schedule page.

Juan McGill2



Sean Missouri Header

Oct. 26, 2012:

This week was full of a lot of flying, a lot of sightseeing, a lot of planning, and a lot of driving through cornfields; beautiful weather the whole time, luckily. I visited Purdue, U Missouri, Notre Dame and Washington U in St. Louis. Norte Dame’s campus was impressively beautiful. Students at all of the schools showed a lot of interest and are excited about getting started with MEDLIFE and/or fundraising within their existing chapters. 

See where else Sean is headed by checking on the Midwest tour schedule page.

Sean Missouri-and-Illionois web


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