MEDLIFE Chapter Spotlight: The Ohio State University - MEDLIFE

MEDLIFE Chapter Spotlight: The Ohio State University

This blog is part of a series showcasing chapters that won awards in this year’s MEDLIFE Awards. Each week we will be talking to a chapter to hear about their keys to success. Find out how to start a MEDLIFE chapter at your school HERE.

Commitment to Service and Community

The Ohio State University MEDLIFE chapter is dedicated to service and building relationships on campus and in the surrounding community. They hold monthly meetings that are both educational and hands-on. Guests speak on important topics like suicide prevention and the heroin epidemic in Ohio. The chapter also offers seminars, including CPR training, yoga classes, and pillow-making workshops. These sessions help members develop professionally and give back to the community.

Interview with Elizabeth Adams

We recently reached out to MEDLIFE-OSU Chapter President, Elizabeth Adams, to learn about her chapter’s success.


MEDLIFE chapterIn January 2017, MEDLIFE OSU sent over 30 students on a Service Learning trip to Cusco, Peru.


Starting with MEDLIFE

Elizabeth joined MEDLIFE during her freshman year after discovering the MEDLIFE booth at the involvement fair. Joining the university’s chapter was the best decision of her college career. The first meeting hooked her with MEDLIFE’s mission and their support for lower-income families both locally and abroad. The commitment to serving communities long-term and providing sustainable development projects inspired her dedication.

Gathering Support and Inspiring Students

The chapter gains support and inspires students by sharing personal stories. Whether at an involvement fair, through social media, or in casual conversations, members share their experiences. The chapter also offers local outreach opportunities, such as food drives, fundraisers, and volunteering at local schools. These activities give members something to talk about and promote MEDLIFE’s mission. Mentioning trips like climbing Machu Picchu while serving thousands of patients also adds excitement.

Greatest Achievement

The chapter’s greatest achievement is involving members in various ways, regardless of financial constraints. They provide local opportunities for fundraising, volunteering, and learning. By varying activity times, they accommodate different schedules. The chapter ensures that even those who can’t commit long-term can still participate and have meaningful experiences.

MEDLIFE chapter The Ohio State chapter keeps meetings engaging! Here, they are making pillows and cards for Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus.

Engaging Members

The chapter keeps meetings fresh by varying topics and styles. For instance, one meeting might feature a guest speaker on local health disparities, while the next could be a hands-on activity like making stress balls for children. They also use surveys to maintain open communication and ensure they meet members’ needs.

Memorable Experience

Elizabeth’s most memorable experience was her trip to Lima, Peru, in January 2016. On the last day of their community work, during the reveal of a completed staircase project, a heartfelt moment occurred. A little girl and her father communicated their gratitude, showing that the language of love knows no barriers.

MEDLIFE chapterMembers at a Kaplan Suture Clinic.


Future Plans

The chapter aims to independently raise funds for a development project. They also plan to expand local volunteer opportunities focusing on medicine, education, and development.

Advice for Other Chapters

Elizabeth advises other chapters to remember why they joined MEDLIFE and the initial inspiration. Keep communication open within the chapter, collaborate with others, and reach out to the national organization. Remember, “Individually we are one drop, but together we are an ocean.” – Ryunosuke Satoro

MEDLIFE chapter
The Ohio State University MEDLIFE chapter exemplifies dedication and community involvement. Their story shows how a MEDLIFE chapter can make a significant impact locally and globally.


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