Greenhouse Project in Chahauitiri: Cultivating Sustainability - MEDLIFE

Greenhouse Project in Chahauitiri: Cultivating Sustainability

The greenhouse project in Chahauitiri stands as a beacon of progress in the community. Situated about 1.5 hours away from Cusco, Peru, at 3800 meters above sea level, the rural community of Chahuaitiri, primarily known for its textiles and agriculture, is witnessing a transformation. The crops they typically grow, mainly potatoes and grains, have been deeply affected by drought due to the unique altitude and weather conditions, with hardly any vegetables. This issue has only begun to worsen due to climate change. Rain season is becoming shorter and shorter along the Andean region and has caused significant agriculture issues all throughout the continent.

Greenhouse Project in Chahauitiri


For these reasons, MEDLIFE is dedicatedly working on a greenhouse project, aiming to provide one greenhouse for each family in the community. With the community members’ help and hard work, along with our incredible team, we are slowly but surely turning this dream into a reality.

rural south america

Challenges Facing the Greenhouse Project in Chahauitiri

This project has not been without its challenges. The materials necessary for maintaining greenhouses such as hoses and trowels are very expensive for these families. To combat this issue, through the help of our volunteers and MEDLIFE campaigns, money has been fundraised to help afford these tools. Additionally, for the past year, local political issues have made it difficult to gather volunteers to aid in the construction of these greenhouses. MEDLIFE projects rely heavily on the collaboration of community members. Thankfully though, through our dedicated staff and the incredible volunteers from the Chahauitiri community, the project is now advancing tremendously.

rural urban migration

The Advantages of Greenhouses

The advantages of using greenhouses to grow crops are significant. They are especially beneficial for conserving water, as water within a greenhouse doesn’t evaporate as quickly. Greenhouses employ “drip irrigation,” which is efficient in maintaining moisture and providing a controlled temperature for a variety of vegetables.

Thanks to the greenhouse project in Chahauitiri, families will have greater success with their crops, leading to a more balanced diet and the opportunity to sell surplus produce at local markets.

rural-to-urban migration

We at MEDLIFE are thrilled to be part of the greenhouse project in Chahauitiri and to witness the community’s growth and success. If you’re inspired to support communities like Chahauitiri in gaining access to essential infrastructure, healthcare, and education, consider joining a MEDLIFE Service Learning Trip.

To get involved with MEDLIFE today and contribute to the greenhouse project in Chahauitiri or other initiatives, fill out the interest form below, download our brochure, or check out our upcoming trips!


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