Volunteer Abroad Opportunities for Faculties & Classes - MEDLIFE

Volunteer Abroad Opportunities for Faculties & Classes

Custom Volunteering Abroad Opportunities! MEDLIFE specializes in Service Learning Trips (SLTs), catering to various fields like nursing, dental, and general medical care. We excel in creating custom volunteering abroad opportunities. These tailor-made SLTs for specific classes, faculties, or groups offer profound learning experiences. Students immerse in real-world scenarios, understanding the impacts of healthcare access, infrastructure deficiencies, and socio-political challenges.

Learning and Contributing Hand-in-Hand

Participants in our volunteer abroad programs gain insights relevant to their academic pursuits, be it in development, education, or social justice. We ensure these experiences are not only educational but also contribute positively to the communities involved.


custom volunteering abroad opportunities

A Glimpse into Custom SLT Success

A notable collaboration with Drexel University’s Center for Black Culture led to a custom SLT focusing on social justice. This initiative offered an in-depth look at various issues through a culturally rich itinerary in Ecuador. Students, guided by experts, delved into topics like structural violence and its impact on health and education. Impressions from Drexel University’s senior officials underscore the program’s value. You can hear a testimonial from the Senior Director for Education Abroad and the Director of the Centre for Black Culture from Drexel University here!


custom volunteering abroad opportunities

Tailor Your SLT Experience

We encourage educators to explore custom SLTs that resonate with their curriculum. Our dedicated webpage provides all the necessary information to start crafting a unique and impactful trip for your students.

Discover More about Our SLTs

Visit our website to explore the array of upcoming Service Learning Trips. Engage in an educational journey that extends beyond the classroom, fostering real-world skills and making a tangible difference. We are always looking to expand our SLT experiences for students and teachers. Because of this, we have created this page on our website specifically for custom SLTs. If you are interested in developing a trip for your students that is based around your specific area of study, you can get started by entering your information in the form on this page.


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