Project Update: A new staircase in 15 A-1 - MEDLIFE

Project Update: A new staircase in 15 A-1


Earlier this year, we visited community 15 A-1 in Villa María del Triunfo and met Nelly, a community member who fell down a steep hillside while she was pregnant with her now 2-year-old son, Christian. After hearing her story, we knew we had to do something to help this community.

Thanks to the sponsorship of the University of Puerto Rico — Río Piedras (UPR-RP), we’ve now begun construction to build a staircase in this community that will prevent future falling!

Over the past few days, our year-long interns have made several visits to 15 A-1 in order to work with community members to construct the staircase. They’ve worked hard digging, mixing cement, and hauling bags of sand —  all while getting to know community members.  


arthur small

“Not only has it been incredibly rewarding to know your exhaustion at the end of the day is helping build the staircase more quickly, it has been so great to chat with the community members as we work,” said year-long intern Jennifer Clay. “I have learned a lot about some people who live there, and it is so fun to practice Spanish and laugh through the language barrier.”

For the folks at UPR-RP, it is rewarding for them to see that their sponsorship is actually coming to life.

“We are very grateful to be able to help this community and give Nelly and Christian some stairs,” they said.

Though the chapter did not have a large collection of money to give, they still wanted to help out a community in South America. Through a series of bake sales, movie nights, and other similar fundraising events, the chapter was able to raise enough money to sponsor this staircase. Although UPR-RPhas sent volunteers to Lima, Tena and Cusco, they have yet to visit this particular community of 15 A-1, and hope to visit one day soon once the staircase project is complete.

“We hope to be able to see the smiles of joy on the community members’ faces once they have these staircases,” the chapter said.

UPRRPMembers of the UPR-RP MEDLIFE chapter during a fundraiser. 

The project is slated to be completed next week. Thanks to everyone for all of your support!  



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