Empower Union Santa Fe Project Completed! - MEDLIFE

Empower Union Santa Fe Project Completed!

MEDLIFE is thrilled to announce that the Empower Union Santa Fe Project has been funded and completed. Union Santa Fe is a community located high in the hills of Lima. MEDLIFE has been doing projects there for a long time. We have completed several staircase projects, constructed a daycare, and now we are proud to have brought electricity to this community.

7% of people in Latin America live without electricity, but in Peru 33% of people live without electricty, one of the lowest elecrification rates in Latin America. That means 530,000 people in Lima live without electricity.

Because of this project, 350 people will no longer have to live in darkness! One child told us that he loved not having to eat dinner in a dark home lit by a single candle.  Electric lighting in the streets will improve safety, hardly anyone left their homes at night here because they felt it was too dangerous to be outside without light. Both because navigating the steep, loose, rubble strewn hills in the dark is difficult and because of crime.

Here are some pictures from the inaugeration day, where MEDLIFE staff and the community got together to celebrate the project. 




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