MEDLIFE Staff and Interns Build A Staircase - MEDLIFE

MEDLIFE Staff and Interns Build A Staircase

          MEDLIFE have been working in the community of Laderas for nearly five years now.  As well as running educational workshops and mobile clinics in this community, we have also been heavily involved in constructing projects here.  Over the past year, we have been working on a project to constuct five staircases in this community which is located on a steep hillside.  We completed the majority of these staircases with the help of volunteers from our mobile clinics but the last staircase, which we finished last week, was left to staff and interns.  Here are a few photos from the week:

IMG 0005A group of staff and interns working with the community in the early stages of staircase construction.

IMG 0065We were able to spend the week meeting and getting to know many of the people who live in the community of Laderas.  

IMG 0092There was a clear sense of community in Laderas as community members vastly outnumbered our staff and interns!

IMG 0159We finished filling the stairs with concrete on a very gray Lima day…

IMG 8966Luckily it was nicer weather on inauguration day when we were painting the stairs the traditional MEDLIFE red.

IMG 9051Once all painted, we celebrated the inaugeration in the traditional Peruvian way, with balloons…

IMG 9087… champagne…

IMG 9124… and dancing!

IMG 9109The MEDLIFE team post inaugeration.

          We look forward to continuing to work with Laderas in the future and have already started making plans for potential future projects in this community!


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