A Sandwich Cart for Nataly - MEDLIFE

A Sandwich Cart for Nataly

The inauguration was an emotional moment for everyone. Nataly would finally be able to support her family and care for her children. Her son lost his arm three years ago in an accident with a cane cutting machine (full story here.) Nataly’s family went under financially trying to cover the cost of the medical bills from the accident. Nataly told us the best thing for her would be able to work close enough to her home to still care for her kids. One of the pillars of the MEDLIFE ideology is sustainable development and support, therefore, MEDLIFE made it our mission to make this hope of Nataly’s a reality. The MEDLIFE summer interns from 2016 fundraised for the project, and last week we delivered the cart to Nataly! 

IMG 9454MEDLIFE Nurse Carmen picks out a cart.

IMG 9505MEDLIFE Yearlong interns arrive for the inaugeration.

IMG 9517

IMG 9523

 IMG 9563The inaugeration was an emotional day for everyone.

IMG 9620Cooking the first french fries on her new cart!



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