Ventura Yumbo: A Story of Ecuador's Development Support - MEDLIFE

Ventura Yumbo: A Story of Ecuador’s Development Support

When you meet Ventura Yumbo, there is no doubt his family means the world to him. Development Support is not just a concept but a lifeline for Ventura and his loved ones.

Our team had the privilege of meeting Ventura and his family through the initiative of Martha Chicaiza, our Director in Ecuador. Martha reached out to the community leaders, known as dirgentes, to identify individuals whom MEDLIFE could support in upcoming Mobile Clinics. It was through this outreach that we learned of Ventura’s situation.

development support

Ventura’s Journey: A Widower’s Burden

Ventura, a widower, shoulders the responsibility of caring for his 14 children, aged from 9 months to 25 years old. Residing in two small houses nestled deep in the jungle, the family shared only two beds between them. Ventura’s wife had tragically passed away from diabetes just seven months prior, leaving him to navigate the challenges of single-handedly supporting his family.

Planning and Action: Extending a Helping Hand

When MEDLIFE extends Development Support to community members like Ventura, Martha’s first step is always to conduct a site visit and formulate a plan. Following an assessment of the family’s needs, it was decided that constructing a third house was imperative. Martha liaised with Sumak Kawsay Wasi, a government organization in Tena, and enlisted the assistance of a Service Learning Trip group to oversee the project.

Building Hope: Construction Efforts

Upon the volunteers’ arrival, our team sprang into action. MEDLIFErs transported materials and supplies to the construction site. Meanwhile, Sumak Kawsay Wasi enlisted skilled builders to collaborate with the volunteers. Together, they meticulously executed the construction of the house and a staircase leading up to it. Despite the steep and muddy terrain, hours of diligent work resulted in the creation of a safer pathway for the Yumbo family.

Healing and Care: Addressing Health Needs

Among Ventura’s children was a 9-month-old baby suffering from a severe ear infection. Caused by dirty, matted hair exacerbating a cut on her ear. Nurse Valeria Maldonado provided essential care, cleaning the baby’s ear and prescribing antibiotics. She also educated the family on administering the medication, ensuring the baby’s recovery.

Meeting Immediate Needs: Providing Essentials

In addition to providing quality healthcare, education, and Development Support, the MEDLIFE team was determined to alleviate the family’s immediate needs. Pooling together $600, the team purchased eight beds, pillows, rice, and tuna. This ensures that none of Ventura’s children have to sleep on the bare floor anymore. Furthermore, three suitcases filled with clothing were distributed to the entire family.

development support

For nearly 15 years, MEDLIFE has been steadfast in its commitment to supporting Ecuadorian communities. Through Mobile Clinics and development initiatives in Tena, Riobamba, and Esmereldas, we have touched the lives of thousands. However, our work would not be possible without the dedication of the MEDLIFE Movement.

Join us in our mission by signing up for a Service Learning Trip and become a part of our journey in empowering communities like Ventura’s.


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