Top 3 reasons you should volunteer abroad with MEDLIFE - MEDLIFE

Top 3 reasons you should volunteer abroad with MEDLIFE


Volunteering abroad can provide various benefits for the participants. Besides the great help, one can offer to communities in need. In MEDLIFE we gave the opportunity to our volunteers to develop individual skills that can help them in their professional careers.

Leadership Skills

Volunteering with MEDLIFE can greatly improve leadership skills. By participating in community projects and working with a team, our MEDLIFErs get the opportunity to develop their communication, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. One of the most important benefits of joining a Service Learning Trip is our volunteers will learn how to adapt themselves to a different environment, culturally and socially.

Volunteers also get to learn how to motivate and inspire others by taking on responsibilities and leading by example. Overall, volunteering with MEDLIFE can significantly improve one’s leadership skills through hands-on experience and real-life challenges.

leadership skills medlife Costa Rica

Make a positive impact:

By volunteering with MEDLIFE, you will have the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of people who struggle with poverty. Our many projects, such as the Mobile Clinics, give the opportunity for volunteers to provide quality health care services to people with a human being approach, as well as follow-up care with our patients.

Our development projects are focused on working hand-in-hand with community members. This gives us the opportunity to empower them and start getting organized for the future. Projects like stairs, greenhouses, park renovations, and school renovations, benefit thousands of people by improving their quality of life.

possitive impact medlife


Networking opportunities:

Going abroad with a diverse group of people gives you the chance to make new friends and build new connections. Volunteering with MEDLIFE will give you the chance to meet like-minded people in the medical field. This allows volunteers to expand their network and learn about other organizations and opportunities to get involved with.

Volunteering abroad allows you to gain experiences and memories with new friends. In your free time, you are able to become familiar with different cultures and cities with other volunteers, which allows you to have quality time with people who have the same interests as you and opens the door to having a possible colleague or friend for life.

network connections

Join a Service Learning Trip today and discover new experiences and connections you will never forget!


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