The $1 Tour for the MEDLIFE Fund - MEDLIFE

The $1 Tour for the MEDLIFE Fund

30-1What can you accomplish by asking someone for $1? If you asked only one person, maybe not a whole lot — you might be able to buy yourself one third of a Starbucks small coffee, or travel half a block in a New York City taxi.

But what if you collected $1 bills for six straight weeks, across sixteen states? How much money could you collect? And, more importantly, what could you accomplish with all those $1 bills?

Two MEDLIFE employees want to find out. This Fall, Tommy Flint and Joe Tylutki will be traveling up and down the East Coast giving presentations at current MEDLIFE Student Chapters, trying to start chapters in new schools, and raising general awareness of MEDLIFE. Along the way, they’ll be collecting $1 bills — at gas stations, on college campuses, on busy street corners, and anywhere someone might be willing to lend them a buck — to support a MEDLIFE Fund community development project.

What project will the money go towards? It depends on how much they collect. $400 will mean a staircase construction project for residents of the rocky hillsides of Pamplona, Peru. $1,200 is enough to construct a new, hygienic bathroom for schools like this one in Ecuador. And what if they bring $10,000 to Latin America? That could mean a medical clinic for over 20,000 people living in an urban slum of Lima, Peru.

Help support Joe and Tommy’s ‘$1 tour’ and help bring aid to poor communities in Latin America! If you attend a school on the East Coast, make sure your local MEDLIFE Chapter is hosting a presentation on the tour. If your school doesn’t have a MEDLIFE Chapter, you can jump start one by inviting Joe and Tommy for a visit — just send them an email at [email protected] and [email protected].

Check out Joe and Tommy’s campaign page to donate to the ‘$1 tour’ or monitor their progress as they make their way down and back up the East Coast.

With the MEDLIFE Fund, all public fundraising, such as the money brought in by Joe and Tommy this Fall, goes 100% towards community development projects. You can start your own fundraising campaign with myMEDLIFE by signing in here!



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