$1 Tour Update: Washington, DC to Athens, Georgia - MEDLIFE

$1 Tour Update: Washington, DC to Athens, Georgia

36-1Wow! It’s hard to believe that only a week has passed since our last blog post – over the past seven days we’ve traveled over 600 miles from Washington, DC to our current home of Athens, Georgia. We’ve stopped at the University of Maryland, Georgetown University, UNC Chapel Hill, NC State, Wake Forest, and Duke University to host presentations, hand out flyers on campus, or meet with prospective student leaders.

Life on the road hasn’t been too hard so far thanks to our very accommodating hosts: the Channell family in Mclean, VA and the Perkins family in Chapel Hill, NC. Both families have gone out of their way to support Joe and I on our tour, and we thank them graciously for their generosity. In Athens, we’re planning to stay with UGA student Danny Guidot, who has lent us some apartment space during our time in Athens. Thanks Danny!


36-2Two of our most successful presentations this past week were at the University of Maryland and NC State University, where more than 40 students turned out at each school to hear Joe and I speak about the opportunities MEDLIFE offers. While most of our jokes have failed miserably (thank you to those few students who have given us courtesy laughs!), the presentations have done a great job communicating MEDLIFE’s accomplishments and goals to interested students.

Outside of the presentations, we’ve barely had enough time to catch up with our normal MEDLIFE workload. Unfortunately, this means we haven’t been able to dedicate much time to soliciting donations to our $1 tour campaign. We have been collecting donations during presentations, but we really need to step up our efforts if we want to come close to reaching our goal. Please consider supporting community development in Ecuador and Peru by making a donation online through our campaign page!

Tonight we’re meeting with MEDLIFE students at the University of Georgia. They’ll even be preparing a dinner for our visit. We’re happy to be traveling through Georgia, where old-fashioned southern hospitality has been treating us quite well!



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