Thank You 2015-16 Interns! - MEDLIFE

Thank You 2015-16 Interns!

The 2015-2016 year long internship has ended, a huge thank you to all of our interns for your hard work this year! A lot was accomplished this year, and we couldn’t have done it without you. MEDLIFE is having a record breaking year, we have already brought over 3000 volunteers on Mobile Clinics. In addition to helping MEDLIFE achieve growth on core goals like volunteer participation, interns brought a host of new projects and ideas including: medicinal community gardens, nutrition workshops, family planning talk and condom donations, fuel efficient stoves, sustainable water filters for families in Tanzania and more. They also collectively took on an ambitious group project and fundraised for several development projects in the community of Urucancha. Several interns have stayed with MEDLIFE as full-time staff. Those who have left will be missed. The lasting contributions to MEDLIFE as an organization and to the communities we work in from this group of interns is greatly appreciated. 

2Cristina Negron.

1April Gulloti.

leighLeigh Ann Cohen.

2 Jessica Danker.

4Kristine Paiste.

11Sneha Kolla

12Jordan Mchugh.

13Roxanne Garibay.

annaAnna Folz. 

14Nicholas Bettencourt.

chelseyChelsea Barth.





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