Meet the Year-long Interns 2016-2017 2 - MEDLIFE

Meet the Year-long Interns 2016-2017 2


Name: David Jetha 

Hometown: Orlando, FL

School: University of Central Florida/ University of Florida 

Major: Biology B.S. and Anthropology B.A. 

How I got involved with MEDLIFE: Initially, a friend invited me to attend one of our university’s chapter meetings. After refusing to go multiple times, I finally attended one and I’m so glad that I did. I fell in love with everyone’s passion to help others and soon started working for our chapter’s founding Executive Board. The following year, I served as the UCF chapter president and on the Student Advisory Board (SAB). In total, I’ve participated on 3 mobile clinics through MEDLIFE in Lima, Riobamba, and Managua.

Tell us a little bit about yourself: I’m a very curious person because I love learning about other cultures and the challenges that people experience. My ideal Saturday is reading a book or enjoying an in-depth conversation at a coffee shop. I also really enjoy traveling; I’ve been to over half of the U.S. states and am hoping to visit the remaining ones within the next few years. Finally, I’m a big fan of strategic games and am an avid Magic: the Gathering player.

Why did you decide to become an intern?: MEDLIFE’s internship program offers a unique lens into the lives of people living in extreme poverty by examining their needs, challenges, and testimonials of daily life. MEDLIFE also works towards identifying root causes of these conditions to build sustainable programs and care that helps people build better lives and futures. I wanted to be a part of this MEDLIFE movement and work to make a difference in others’ lives.

What was your first impression of Lima?: Lima is colder than I remember it, but the city is vast with an immensely rich culture. The people are very kind and are extremely accommodating when I forget how to say phrases in Spanish. Even though Lima’s streets are always active and full of life, I’ve felt at home here and I’m looking forward to exploring more of the city.

What are your goals for this internship?: Personally, I’m hoping to build communication skills and stronger patient rapport. I’m also hoping to gain greater understanding of challenge and inequality in developing communities. For MEDLIFE, I hope to contribute my talents to helping the organization expand and reach more communities and volunteers.


Name: Joe Comer 

Hometown: Duluth, GA

School: University of Georgia (UGA)

Major: Biology and Psychology  

How I got involved with MEDLIFE: My friends invited me to a MEDLIFE chapter meeting at my school in my Freshman year. At the time, I had class, but decided to check it out one week when class had been cancelled. I quickly realized just how much MEDLIFE’s approach to global health and service lined up with my own. I started going to meetings where I learned more about Global Health disparities and issues.  I then began volunteering at MEDLIFE service events around my university. As I got more involved with my Chapter, I began to get more involved with MEDLIFE as a whole.

Tell us a little bit about yourself: I’m a recent college graduate experiencing the world outside of school for the first time. It’s a unique transition to make while also transitioning to living in a new country and culture. Like almost every other early-20s aged person, I love watching movies, reading books, playing games, and going for hikes.  Peru is a beautiful country, so I’m looking forward to exploring this beautiful place.

Why did you decide to become an intern?: I believed that being a MEDLIFE intern provided a wonderful opportunity to serve others before devoting my time to a permanent career or graduate school. This is an organization that greatly influenced my college career and future goals, and I want to ensure that MEDLIFE as an organization can continue to not only serve the people of the regions it works in, but also provide college students around the world the same, influential opportunities it provided me.

What was your first impression of Lima?: I first came to Lima on a Mobile Clinic my Junior year of college.  My first impression was that the city was bigger than I had expected it to be.  Everywhere we went was a long drive away, and Peruvian traffic can be quite hectic.  I quickly saw just how much character and culture there was squeezed into every square foot of this city, from the unique architecture to the incredible people. It’s a city that should be experienced and not just seen.

What are your goals for this internship?: I may have completed my undergraduate career, but I am still deciding what career path is the best fit for me. While I’m figuring that out, I hope to expand on my knowledge of Global Health systems and disparities. And lastly, I hope to improve on my, admittedly, lackluster Spanish language skills.


Name: Sevan Misirliyan 

Hometown: Novi, Michigan 

School: University of Michigan 

Major: Biopsychology, Cognition and Neuroscience 

How I got involved with MEDLIFE: In my junior year of college, one of my good friends told me that she was planning to attend a MEDLIFE mobile clinic over spring break. After looking into MEDLIFE, I was both intrigued and drawn into its mission and decided to sign up for the trip as well. That week ended up having a much larger impact on me than I could have imagined, and I am excited to be back for the upcoming year.

Tell us a little bit about yourself: I am a 2015 graduate of the University of Michigan. Any close friend of mine would tell you that I’m just a tad bit obsessed with Michigan football.  Outside of that, I love traveling and experiencing different cultures. When I’m home, you’ll most likely find me curled up with a good book or binge watching Netflix.

Why did you decide to become an intern?: What stuck with me most after my week long service trip was MEDLIFE’s mission and methodology in attacking poverty and healthcare disparities. It drove my passion to continue working with underserved communities and led to my decision to volunteer in Armenia the following summer. Through these experiences, I found that I wanted to pursue a career in medicine and global health, but I knew I wanted to take some time off before attending graduate school. In coming across the year-long internship program on MEDLIFE’s website, the description seemed like the perfect fit. It gave me the opportunity to travel, work with a diverse group of people, and work within and learn about the healthcare sectors of underserved communities. In the coming year, I look forward to having a more extensive role with MEDLIFE as an intern and am very excited to start working with the program.

What was your first impression of Lima?: Big and filled with crazy traffic! I was surprised to see how much of a bustling city Lima was. Having grown up in the suburbs, I look forward to a year in a big city. I can’t complain about the food either. The menú lunch deals are delicious and hard to turn down at 11 soles (~$3).

What are your goals for this internship?: In having the opportunity to work directly with the communities that MEDLIFE serves, I hope to take the time to get to know the local community members that we work with and learn about their unique stories. It is my hope to gain a better understanding about the cultural and socioeconomic barriers that exist and how they exacerbate current disparities. Just as importantly, I hope to learn how we can play a role in narrowing the gaps of these disparities within these communities. Additionally, I hope to take full advantage of living in Lima and immerse myself within the Peruvian culture and improve my Spanish.

a2Name: Alison Bradley 

Hometown: Rockford, Illinois 

School: University of Michigan 

Major: Major Spanish, Minor Biology 

How I got involved with MEDLIFE: I volunteered on a clinic in Lima as a sophomore with the chapter at my university. Up until that point I had thought about a future doing research, but my experience with MEDLIFE made me realize my passion for working with people! It also gave me the push I needed to commit to declaring as a Spanish major.

Tell us a little bit about yourself: The rest of my family followed me to Michigan two years ago, so I am now dealing with my transition into identifying as true Michigander. Outside of school I was a caregiver at a non-profit care program for children and adults with special needs, where we provided quality care for our friends and looked for any reason to celebrate with cake! I love team sports and somehow found my way on to my University’s Club Sailing Team. I spent four years squished in a mini-van with my best friends traveling all over the country to compete at regattas.

Why Did You Decide To Become An Intern?:  Where I grew up quality health care was a privilege that not every one had access to. I wanted to work for MEDLIFE because I respect their values as an organization and I want to learn more about breaking down these barriers to equitable health care access.

What was your first impression of Lima?: Pedestrians never have the right of way. Never. After I got past that, I was excited to learn about the culture of Peru and explore all of the amazingly unique neighborhoods of Lima!

What are your goals for this internship?:I want to learn more about providing respectful, quality health care in medically underserved areas! I’m also looking forward to improving my Spanish speaking skills, and possibly becoming an amateur salsa dancer.


Name: Shayna Hamburg 

Hometown: Leawood, Kansas 

School: University of Colorado Boulder 

Major: Sociology with a minor in Education 

How I got involved with MEDLIFE: MEDLIFE was recommended to me by a friend when I was expressing my interest in the field of public health. Through exploration of the website I quickly realized that this organization was a perfect fit for my goals and aspirations.

Tell us a little bit about yourself: Although born and raised in the Midwest, I made my way to Boulder, Colorado as soon as possible in order to enjoy the outdoor lifestyle. Besides skiing and hiking, you can find me reading a good book, eating out with friends, or striking up a conversation with strangers in a coffee shop.

Why did you decide to become an intern?: After studying abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina, I was determined to find a way to live abroad to improve my Spanish. Additionally, I was hoping to get experience in a the field of public health. At first I wasn’t sure if it was possible to accomplish both of these goals at the same time, but then I found the MEDprograms internship, which proved to be perfect solution!

What was your first impression of Lima?: After I clicked my heels three times, I found myself in Lima, Peru! Upon arrival, I was immediately overwhelmed due to the endless streets, cars, and people that make up this city. While this massive metropolis seems daunting at first, it leaves me eager to discover all that Lima has to offer. I guess I’m not in Kansas anymore!

What are your goals for this internship?: I hope this internship not only allows me to improve my Spanish skills, but also provides me with the tools to make a meaningful difference. Additionally, I hope to develop deeper insight into public health and development work. I intend to spend the next year serving those who need it most and gaining experiences that will aid my work in the future.

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Name: Sam Stevens 

Hometown: London, UK

School: University of Westminster 

Major: Politics and History BA

How I got involved with MEDLIFE: I applied to the communications internship, took a flight and here I am!

Tell us a little bit about yourself: I am passionate about politics and social justice, I hope to one day work in the political departments of the charity or public sector. I love sports and will play any sport if someone asks me, I also like to dance, write poetry, watch and discuss arthouse or classic films, art and philosophy. I’m an old soul so you will probably find me either engaging 100% or not at all.

Why did you decide to become an intern?: I had a couple of job offers in other countries which were salaried, however I felt like my traveling and kindred spirit were not spent and thus I wanted to share my love and energy for a little longer!

What was your first impression of Lima?: This place is intense.

What are your goals for this internship?: Help others. Help myself.


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