MEDLIFE Doctor Spotlight: Evelin Mota - MEDLIFE

MEDLIFE Doctor Spotlight: Evelin Mota

Evelin Mota, now a 27-year-old doctor, traces her passion for medicine back to her childhood. Growing up with a nurse mother, Evelin often found herself in hospitals, witnessing firsthand the impact of healthcare on people’s lives. Inspired by her mother’s dedication and the opportunity to help others as a volunteer, Evelin set her sights on a career in medicine.

Academic Pursuits and Beyond

Dr. Evelin Mota pursued her medical education at the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) in Lima, Perú, her hometown. Her academic journey laid the foundation for her future endeavors in healthcare.

Volunteering with MEDLIFE: Making a Difference Beyond Borders

“What inspired you to work in MEDLIFE’s Mobile Clinics?” Evelin shares, “I first learned about MEDLIFE through Facebook and a friend, Alexandra Nuñez, who is also a volunteer there. What drew me in were the dynamic opportunities—attending to patients, interacting with international students, all while making a tangible impact on those in need.”

volunteerDr. Evelin Mota attended medical school at the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) in her hometown of Lima, Perú.


Commitment to Service: Evelin’s Journey with MEDLIFE

Evelin reflects on her tenure with MEDLIFE, stating, “I’ve been working with MEDLIFE for the past two months.” Her dedication to the organization is evident in her commitment to both local and global healthcare initiatives.

Balancing Responsibilities: Current Focus and Future Aspirations

“Where do you work when you are not in Mobile Clinics?” Evelin replies, “Currently, MEDLIFE is my sole focus as I prepare for a residency program in the United States. This opportunity is crucial for my medical career advancement.”

Impactful Experiences: Touching Lives through Mobile Clinics

Reflecting on her experiences, Evelin recalls, “One of the most impactful days involved educating patients about high blood pressure. Witnessing their eagerness to learn and their commitment to improving their health was incredibly rewarding.”

volunteerHere, Dr. Mota attends new patients at a mobile clinic in Lima, Peru.

Cherishing Connections: The Heart of Mobile Clinics

“What do you enjoy the most in the Mobile Clinics?” Evelin smiles, “I cherish the interactions—between patients, volunteers, and doctors. It’s a learning experience for everyone involved. Volunteers gain medical insights, doctors refine their language skills, and patients receive essential care.”

Inspiring Future Volunteers: Evelin’s Message

“To future volunteer,” Evelin advises, “This is an amazing opportunity. I feel fortunate to be part of MEDLIFE, and I encourage others to join for an enriching experience.”

In conclusion, Evelin Mota’s journey exemplifies how a childhood passion for service evolved into a fulfilling career in medicine, driven by a desire to make a difference globally. Her story with MEDLIFE underscores the transformative impact of volunteerism in healthcare.
