MEDLIFE Chapter Spotlight: University of Nevada, Reno - MEDLIFE

MEDLIFE Chapter Spotlight: University of Nevada, Reno


This blog is part of a series showcasing chapters that won awards in this years MEDLIFE Awards. Each week we will be talking to a chapter to hear about their keys to success. Find out how to start a MEDLIFE chapter at your school HERE.



University of Nevada Reno’s MEDLIFE Chapter has made strides in expanding members and was this years runner up in MEDLIFE Awards for the social media category. In it’s second year, Anisha Chedi, Marketing/Advertising Chair, implemented social media strategies for the chapter like creating daily promo content on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and creating their own graphics to promote events and activities.



We caught up with Christina Chen, UNR MEDLIFE’s co-president, to talk about her chapter and work with MEDLIFE.


 10551708 988382614510135 3734612100353194608 oUNR Chapter members on a project work day in Lima, Peru.



How did you start to work with MEDLIFE? Why did you choose MEDLIFE?



One of my close friends, Lucia Sanchez, first brought this chapter to the University of Nevada, Reno and built it from ground up. I had heard about it, but was not very involved. Until the end of Spring 2014, my sister and I decided to jump right into attending a mobile clinic in Lima and from then on forward, we’ve constantly been involved with MEDLIFE UNR. I fell in love with what MEDLIFE stood for and had to offer, embracing both community service locally and abroad, providing medicine to communities worldwide, and educating and assisting communities/people develop.



What new strategies have you used as President of your Chapter to gather support and inspire students to work with MEDLIFE?



Since this school year was geared towards restructuring and rebuilding of the chapter, we utilized the University’s resources, especially our club fairs to promote the chapter. A lot of our activities were revolved around local volunteering, which gained a bit of attention from our campus. It wasn’t until a recent early transition of executive board officers did we really utilize our social media, thanks to our new marketing/advertising chair, Anisha Chedi. She has been very diligent about posting MEDLIFE Nevada’s activities, along with embracing campus events.



Also, during meetings, making them more activity based and interactive. We would prep snack packs for distribution and was a great way to socialize with the members. At the same time, we would include icebreakers and activities to keep the members more engaged, rather than just staring at a powerpoint.



I definitely turned to my MEDLIFE liaison, Emily Gardner, a lot for advice and monthly meetings for inspiration. She always kept me motivated and encouraged me to keep my head up when it came to difficult times of rebuilding the chapter. So shout out to her and a big thank you!!



In your opinion, what is your chapter’s greatest achievement?



Being such a small chapter, in a small city, I’m very proud that we’ve managed to send members on mobile clinics. Although they are minimal number of participants, every year we’ve managed to send people to either Lima, Peru or Riobamba, Ecuador.


 1546Volunteers pose on a completed staircase in Lima, Peru.



What is your most memorable experience working with MEDLIFE?



A personal memory is my mobile clinic experience back in 2014. It was a life-changing experience that I loved! On a whole scale level of the chapter, I would being able to finally work with a new full executive board with members who were very adamant about promoting MEDLIFE was a great experience. Passing on the torch to the newly transitioned executive board makes me hopeful about leaving the chapter in a stable stage to keep growing.



Do you have any advice for other chapters?



General advice: keep things fun and exciting at meetings. It’s hard to keep member attendance when meetings are merely powerpoints. Add activities, competitions, create families, etc…get to know your members.



Find out how to start a MEDLIFE chapter at your school HERE


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