Filling In The Roof of the Union de Santa Fe Wawa Wasi - MEDLIFE

Filling In The Roof of the Union de Santa Fe Wawa Wasi

In Peruvian community development, the roof signifies completion, It indicates readiness for use. While walls and floors may require adjustments, a finished roof is essential.

A Milestone Achieved

On Sunday, June 25, 2017, MEDLIFE Staff witnessed a significant milestone in Union de Santa Fe. Just two months after finalizing plans and signing the community agreement, the completion of the second-floor roof of the wawa wasi marked a momentous occasion.

Collective Efforts

Community members, alongside MEDLIFE interns, worked tirelessly to transport numerous buckets of rocks and sand to the cement mixer. With the addition of this machinery, the roof was completed in just one day.

Bridging Gaps in Childcare

The first floor of the Wawa Wasi, completed in 2015. It hosts the Cuna Más program, providing childcare and meals for children aged 6 months to 3 years. However, a gap exists for children aged 3 to 6, as they await primary school enrollment. The new second floor will house PRONOEI, a preschool program aimed at bridging this gap and providing safe childcare for the children of working parents.

The completion of the second-floor roof at Union de Santa Fe’s wawa wasi exemplifies the transformative impact of community development initiatives. Through collaborative efforts and strategic planning, MEDLIFE continues to bridge gaps in childcare services. Empowering communities and fostering a brighter future for the next generation is our mission.



2Carlos Benavides, director of MED Programs Peru, stands with the materials required to fill in the roof.


5MEDLIFE Summer interns, Brandy and Jana, pass a bucket of rocks down the cement assembly line.


4Project days might be tough work, but they are definitely fun, too!

 community developmentMembers of Union de Santa Fe spread the concrete mixture on the Wawa Wasi’s roof.


community developmentRicardo Ccasani, Union de Santa Fe community leader and MEDLIFE staff member, fixes a leak in the pipe carrying cement to the roof. 


8Thanks to the immense support of the Union de Santa Fe community, the Wawa Wasi roof was completed in just four hours!


community developmentThe summer interns take a break from all the hard work to pose for a quick picture!


community developmentMEDLIFE Staff members, Martha, Rosali, Raúl, Edinson, Angie, and Dr. Nick Ellis, pose in front of the Wawa Wasi after the inauguration.


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